Sunday Services


10:30 am


504 NE 16th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


Please park in the street in front of the building. We reserve the driveway for people who live in the house.

What to Expect

Come right in the front door — no need to knock! Our meeting room is to the left as you come in. The house has a pair of animal residents, and Brownie the dachshund will likely announce your arrival. He’s not aggressive, just loud.

Our group is small, and there isn’t really a way to sneak in and hang out in the back, so choose whatever seat looks comfortable to you.

Service starts with one of our rotating worship facilitators leading us through a few songs from our hymnals, accompanied by guitar and ukulele.

Following the songs and offering, the kids head out with one of our adults for their own activities, which may take place in the dining room or kids room of the church, out in our garden/patio area, or at a nearby park.

For the adults, a member of our congregation will deliver a message that may draw on the day’s liturgy, a set of devotional materials, or their own interests and expertise — including talks that don’t reference scripture at all.

On occasion, we also invite community leaders or experts to speak to us on important community issues; some recent visitors include Oklahoma City Council Member James Cooper and a representative from the CARE Center.

After the message, we have a discussion time where the floor is opened for questions, reflections, and responses. This discussion time allows us to hear multiple viewpoints on the message, discuss tricky or difficult points further, and grow as a community.

Discussion time transitions into “Joys and Concerns,” where we share highlights from our lives and prayer requests, followed by announcements regarding church events and local news that may be of interest to our members. We close our service with a song or a prayer, usually between 12 and 12:30 pm.